Friday, 31 August 2012

The 75 Best iPad Games

Just a few years ago, the gaming industry was dominated by Microsoft, Nintendo, and Sony—no other company made a significant play. Then Apple's iOS mobile platform, rapid App Store growth, and millions of iPads in consumers' hands created the perfect environment for Cupertino to get in the mix. And it's done so marvelously. Read more on

Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Fact or Myth: Reciprocal link improves positioning

question markFact. We deal with reciprocal links (also called links exchange or links partnership) when two websites with similar topics link to each other, for instance, the website of a Chinese restaurant has a link to online shop with oriental accessories and vice-versa. Reciprocal links are advantageous only if they are used properly and reasonably. The benefits are: bigger traffic on website, higher accuracy and better visibility for search engines. It’s worth remembering that you should place links only to the websites which have similar content to yours.

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Good Practice: Keeping in Touch with Your Customers

When a customer places an order, it is not the end of selling, it is just the beginning. Turn that one-off purchase into repeat sales by developing a relationship with your customers. Relationships do not sustain themselves. They take effort, and all the responsibility lies with you. Your customer may not even want a relationship. You have to take the initiative, not them. Find excuses to remind customers that you are there.

Sunday, 26 August 2012

Facts You should Know About Mobile App Development

Given the various tools and other facilities for mobile app development today, it is not really that difficult to get into this field, if you think that is your passion. What is more; if your app turns out to become successful in the app market, you could well be earning a steady income from it as well. Of course, while it is possible to make a neat profit out of app development, there are certain facts you should be well aware of, before you step into this field on a full-time basis.

Friday, 24 August 2012

Facebook Fakes: Many Users Don't Exist

Facebook reports that as many as 83 million of its users are phony--but the numbers tell only part of the story. Like the number of people served at McDonald's, the number of users on Facebook is the stuff of legend: Three times the population of the United States! Almost one-seventh of the world's population, all using the social network! Not so fast-- it turns out that a good number of those users aren't users at all, according to Facebook. Read more on

Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Fact or Myth: Adding links to directories is the quickest way of website indexation

question markFact. Just like the incoming links are the quickest way to include the websites in the search engines indexing, the online directories are the quickest means for that purpose. You should not, however, add links to every directory you meet but you need to select them diligently – if some of them seem to be dubious, unfriendly and need polishing up, you should avoid them. The best thing, at the beginning, is to select the biggest directories, e.g. Yahoo!, Starting Point, ExactSeek and Best of the Web.

Monday, 20 August 2012

Pinterest's Success, By The Numbers

Analysis of 5 million conversations about Pinterest underscores the social site's popularity and potential value to your business. Still wondering why your organization should take an interest in Pinterest? An analysis of conversations about Pinterest across social media sites shows that much of the talk is focused on the platform's success. Even some of the negative discussions about the platform can be seen as a positive for businesses: One of the worst things people are saying about the site is that it takes up too much of their time.  Read more on

Friday, 17 August 2012

In Social Media, The Customer Really Comes First

Social media make the customer more powerful than ever. Here's how to listen and react. The customer is always right. Any organization that has paid only lip service to that adage will find itself at a distinct disadvantage as social networking platforms give customers not only a louder voice, but also one that can be heard far and wide in a matter of seconds. Real-time compliments, complaints, questions, leads, support … Welcome to the age of social CRM. Read more about social media on

Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Fact or Myth: Website statistics mention negative events

question markFact. Analytical tools and statistics are very helpful in the process of website optimization for Internet search engines. Apart from showing good events, they also warn against the negative ones, suggesting, for instance, incompatibility of the website contents with visitors’ expectations. The main purpose of optimization for Internet search engines is to increase the number of visitors, that’s why one of the most reliable methods for the evaluation of the effectiveness of website positioning is tracking its unique visitors. A short time spent on the website by users may be considered as a negative event as well as lack of any action from the user with longer time spent on the website.

Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Facebook Adds 'Expecting a Baby' Timeline Option

baby facebookThe social network rolled out a new "Life Event" for Timeline on Monday, which lets you share when you are going to be a mother or father. With the new life event option, expectant parents can share their baby's due date and whether it's a boy or a girl.

Sunday, 12 August 2012

Get Organized: One Email Address

Before you arrive at a job interview, before you pass a phone screening, before anyone even opens your cover letter, what does your potential employer know about you? If you answered "nothing," you're wrong. The very first thing that hiring managers see is your email address. And depending on what your email address is, they might know enough to toss your application in the trash.


Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Fact or Myth: Constant analysis of keywords doesn’t bring any benefits

question markMyth. The analysis of keywords is not unimportant for website positioning. Internet changes every day, search engines change, the Internet users change their world view and also they change the keywords they type when they want to look for a precise content. Examination of keywords by means of available tools (e.g. Google Keyword Tool) allows you to change the strategy and adjust the keywords which illustrate most accurately the content of a given website from the users’ point of view.

Tuesday, 7 August 2012

'Facebook Stories' A New Chapter For Social Network

facebook storiesFacebook site dedicated to showcasing members' unique uses of social network might recapture some positive mindshare--and teach us a lesson about savvy marketing. Facebook has been in the news for a lot of things lately--disappointing IPO, sliding stock price, fake users. But yesterday, for the first time in what seems like a long time, there was some news about a new Facebook feature: Facebook Stories. Read more about Facebook Stories on

Friday, 3 August 2012

Get Organized: 15 Social Media Tips for SMBs

You and your small or micro business need to have a social media presence. That we know. If your potential clients, customers, and audience live on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube, and so on, then it's only reasonable that you go to those places to reach them. They ain't coming to you. Rarely do small businesses have the resources to hire a social media manager, meaning the fate of your online social presence likely rests on your shoulders. Even if you have an employee or intern whom you can charge with spinning a social Web, that person still needs input from you. For more Go to

Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Fact or Myth: Keywords in the contents of the website are not important

question markMyth. High quality content of the website which is rich in keywords is absolutely the most important element of effective positioning. A good text on websites is also important for visitors. It is most advisable to place keywords in the texts in the website as close as possible to the beginning of the page. You should apply various versions of key expressions (synonyms) and expressions with similar meaning, e.g. computer = laptop, notebook, PC, keyboard, screen etc.